Your Year of Knowledge

11.1  Students analyze the significant events in the founding of the nation and its attempts to realize the philosophy of government described in the Declaration of Independence.

11.2 Students analyze the relationship among the rise of industrialization, large-scale rural-to-urban migration, and massive immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe.

11.3 Students analyze the role religion played in the founding of America, its lasting moral, social, and political impacts, and issues regarding religious liberty.

11.4 Students trace the rise of the United States to its role as a world power in the twentieth century.

11.5 Students analyze the major political, social, economic, technological, and cultural developments of the 1920s.

11.6 Students analyze the different explanations for the Great Depression and how the New Deal fundamentally changed the role of the federal government.

11.7 Students analyze America’s participation in World War II.

11.8 Students analyze the economic boom and social transformation of post–World War II America.

11.9 Students analyze U.S. foreign policy since World War II.

11.10 Students analyze the development of federal civil rights and voting rights.

11.11 Students analyze the major social problems and domestic policy issues in contemporary American society.

Eleventh Grade United States History Content Standards
...and to try your best.

Video List

Pearl Harbor

Swing Kids

All Quiet on the Western Front

Animal Farm

Assassination of Trotsky



Hotel Rwanda

Robin Hood

Schindler's List (Made for TV)


Spy Game

The Pianist

Oliver Twist


Hope and Glory

Thirteen Days

Saving Private Ryan

Hotel Rwanda

Band of Brothers

Legends of the Fall


Red Dawn

Empire of the Sun


The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas

Life is Beautiful

Cinderella Man